newLISP® v.10.7.4 Development Release
This development release fixes bugs and adds functionality.
Bug fixes
Most bug fixes where done in development releases 10.7.2 and 10.7.3.
- When using read-line on files together with other
funtions like read, seek and search,
file positions are now maintained better.
- Better handling of UTF-16 encoded filenames on MS Windows.
Filenames in newLISP UTF-8 versions should be given encoded in UTF-8 but
will be correctly encoded to UTF-16 format on Windows. When reading from
the Windows file system, they will be correctly translated to UTF-8.
- Fixed a wrong "symbol protected" message when a protected symbol is
part of a nested espression, but not a symbol with its content to be
- Fixed a flushing problem on print to stdout on macOS and
other BSDs.
- (trim str) on some strings containing 0's would overrun
memory and 0's where not trimmed from the left. All characters less
than space (32) should be trimmed from both ends of the string buffer. When the
entire string is valid ASCII or UTF-8 with no 0s, trim behaves
like in older versions.
- (rotate theList -offsetOfRotation) did not return the correct
original list when offsetOfRotation was equal to the length of the list
to rotate.
New Features
New features where added in development releases 10.7.3 and 10.7.4.
- Supress loading of startup file init.lsp when -h option
is present. In older versions only the -n and -x options
supressed init.lsp.
- (read-key true) with the true parameter is now
- When starting newlisp in -http-safe server mode HTTP_PUT and
HTTP_DELETE requests will not be served. This will cause write-file
and delete-file in url syntax and put-url and delete-url
functions issued from a newLISP client to return the text message
"Server in safe mode".
- The environment variable REQUEST_URI is now defined when newLISP is run
in webserver mode.
Compatibility with previous versions
This version is compatible with the previous versions in the 10.7.x series.