Module: canvas.lsp
Routines for creating HTML canvas tag graphics
angle bezier circle clip draw drawto ellipse fill-color font goto grestore gsave line line-cap line-color line-join line-width move petal pie polygon rectangle render rotate scale shape text textarc textarcoutline textoutline translate turn
Module: cgi.lsp
Basic CGI processing tools for GET and POST requests
put-page url-translate set-cookie get-cookie get
Module: crypto.lsp
SSL crypto functions for MD5 and SHA-1 hashing
md5 sha1 sha256 hmac ripemd160
Module: ftp.lsp
FTP file transfer routines
get put
Module: getopts.lsp
Parse short and long command line options according to POSIX rules
shortopt longopt arg usage die getopts
Module: gsl.lsp
Selected functions from the GNU Scientific Library
CholeskyD Cholesky-solve QRD QR-solve SVD SVD-solve
Module: infix.lsp
Infix expression parser
Module: json.lsp
JSON to S-expression parser (obsololete because native since 10.4.6)
Module: macro.lsp
Rewrite macros for newLISP
macro delete resume suspend
Module: mysql.lsp
MySQL v.5.x interface (tested on MySQL 5.0 and 5.1)
init connect query num-rows num-fields fetch-row fetch-all databases tables fields data-seek error affected-rows inserted-id escape close-db
Module: odbc.lsp
ODBC database interface
connect query num-cols columns-atts fetch-row affected-rows tables columns close-db
Module: plot.lsp
Routines for creating data plots.
plot XY export reset
Module: pop3.lsp
POP3 mail retrieval routines
get-all-mail get-new-mail get-mail-status delete-old-mail delete-all-mail get-error-text
Module: postgres.lsp
PostgreSQL interface (tested on PostgreSQL 9.4, should work on all supported versions)
connect connectdb query num-rows num-fields fnumber fname fetch-value fetch-row fetch-all databases tables fields data-seek error affected-rows error-conn escape escape-literal escape-identifier close-db host port db options user result-str lib-version protocol-version server-version
Module: postscript.lsp
Routines for creating postscript files
angle bezier circle clip draw drawto ellipse fill-color font goto grestore gsave line line-cap line-color line-join line-width move petal pie polygon rectangle render rotate save scale shape text textarc textarcoutline textoutline textclip translate turn
Module: smtp.lsp
Send mail using SMTP protocol
Module: smtpx.lsp
Send mail using SMTP protocol
get-error-text clear-attachments attach-document encode64-widthsafe encode64-line
Module: sqlite3.lsp
SQLite3 database interface routines
open close sql colnames rowid tables columns changes timeout error
Module: stat.lsp
Basic statistics and plotting library
corr cov cov-matrix corr-matrix cumulate diagonal fit f-prob get-diagonal lag mat-map matrix mean moments multiple-reg power regression sdev smooth sum sum-d2 sum-d2xy sum-sq sum-xy var
Module: unix.lsp
Interface to various UNIX libc functions
getuid geteuid getgid getegid setuid seteuid setgid setegid kill chmod ioctl mkfifo mktemp syslog
Module: xmlrpc-client.lsp
XMLRPC protocol client routines
system.listMethods system.methodHelp system.methodSignatures execute newLISP.evalString error
Module: zlib.lsp
Functions for compression/decompression with zlib
gz-read-file gz-write-file- ∂ -
generated with newLISP and newLISPdoc